Tips of Making WordPress WooCommerce Store Awesome

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Your own online store doesn’t have to be just a dream. Thanks to WordPress now anyone can make an online store with WooCommerce. It’s quick, easy and you can set up a professional-looking website to sell your products without spending a lot of money.

The  WooCommerce Menu/Navigation Store

A flat website architecture shortens the number of clicks a customer will need to perform to reach their desired destination, and it’s a pretty popular model. Just visit popular online stores such as Amazon or eBay to see what we mean – they clearly display links to their most popular pages plus any new or highly relevant content (like sales, or limited edition products).

Products must be Discoverable by Categories and Subcategories

Why do you need category pages? The first big reason is for SEO. The more specific pages you have with long-tail keywords the more likely it is that new customers will discover you in search engines like Google or Bing. So while having a “Monitor” category is great, adding subcategories for “Monitor Brands” and “Display Size & Resolution” gives you even better odds of ranking.

Real-Time Search in WooCommerce

In an effort to make it easy for your customers to find exactly what they want we also recommend using Real-Time or Live Search. With it, prospects will be able to view out the most popular and relevant search results of your eCommerce site in real-time speeding up the online shopping process.

Speed Up Your WooCommerce Store

Surely, you did a great work to set up your eCommerce site. Still, you need it to work as fast as possible for a lot of reasons. Firstly, it makes your SEO better. Search engines like Google take page load times into consideration. It’s more likely for a page that loads in a second or two to rank higher than a page that takes thirty. Secondly, today even a 5-seconds delay will make your customers want to leave and it’s a top contributor to an increased bounce rate.

Add Helpful Features with Plugins

First, choose a theme that looks similar to how you want your store to. Preferably a theme with built-in styling options. Next, check out this list of the best WooCommerce extensions and add-ons to add a few more features you might want or need to your store. Chances are there’s a plugin for the features you want. Add memberships, discounts, referrals, infinite scrolling and more. Just don’t go crazy and install too many plugins – often times you can find one plugin with multiple features you want, and the fewer plugins you have the fewer chances there are for a conflict.

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